it data transformation and migration for it major

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In the fast-paced world of information technology, one IT major embarked on an ambitious journey to revolutionize data management. Their mission: to transform and migrate IT data across multiple organizational verticals, including Sales Operations, Financial Services, Human Resources, Engineering Groups, Point Next, and Configure, Price, Quote (CPQ). This case study delves into the challenges faced, the innovative solutions implemented, and the remarkable results achieved along this transformative journey.

The Challenge

The IT major was confronted with a multitude of challenges:

Diverse Data Sources: Data scattered across multiple systems and platforms.

Manual Processes: A significant reliance on manual data handling, leading to inefficiencies.

ETL Performance Issues: Suboptimal ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) processes impacting data processing speed.

Data in External Excel Files: Critical data residing in unstructured Excel files.

Load Balancing Gaps: The absence of load balancing mechanisms.

SQL View Logic: Business logic and calculations executed within SQL views.

Data Duplication: Unwanted data duplication issues.

Legacy Transition: The need to sunset legacy systems while ensuring consistent data for both legacy and new cloud platforms.

The Solution

The transformative solution encompassed a range of features:

Application Alignment:
Full support for current applications.

Central Data Core:
Creation of a central data repository.

ETL Performance Enhancement:
Optimization of ETL processes for improved speed and efficiency.

Loosely Coupled Components:
Implementation of loosely coupled data components.

Resilience and Scalability:
Enhanced system resilience and scalability.

Near Real-Time Insights:
Availability of near real-time Management Information (MI) and Business Intelligence (BI) reports.

Data Processing Efficiency:
Streamlined data processing steps.

Data Deduplication:
Measures to eliminate data duplication.

Consistency Assurance:
Providing consistent data across platforms.

In the world of IT, data is our currency, and with eClerx, we’re minting success.

Results and Impact

The project delivered substantial benefits:

Scalability Improvements

Implementation of table partitioning, data snapshots, connection pooling optimization, and incremental data loading.


A single source of truth for all data, enabling self-service and analytical reports.

Reliable Real-Time Information

Provision of real-time data that is both accurate and reliable.

Full Data Failure Recovery

A robust mechanism for data failure recovery and notification.

Results and opportunities

This project stands as a testament to the IT major’s commitment to innovation, efficiency, and data-driven decision-making. Through strategic transformation and meticulous execution, they have not only overcome challenges but also set new standards for data management in the ever-evolving IT landscape.

400M Asset and Invoice Data:
Successfully managed and processed.

4M Contracts:
Efficiently transformed.

50K Customers:
Data made accessible and manageable.

Global Reach:
Serving customers across 17 countries.

Complex Data Mapping:
Analysis of approximately 300 tables and over 2,000 field mappings for source and new databases.

Custom ETL Processing:
More than 6 million records processed in just 15 minutes, involving approximately 80 attributes.

API Queries:
Development of 500 API queries to facilitate data access and analysis.


The journey of IT data transformation and migration is far from over. As new opportunities and challenges emerge, the IT major remains steadfast in its commitment to leveraging data as a strategic asset for continued growth and excellence.

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