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Investor Portal

Digitisation of paper based Financial subscription process

Research and design for an online investor portal, focussed upon institutional investment and high net worth investors. The client wished to offer its users a self serving online portal where they could perform their basic tasks as well as automate the more tedious subscription related functions.


User Research

Experience & Web Accessibility

UX Design

Frontend Development


US Financial Investment Major

image of a laptop displaying the investor portal dashboard

Project details

World of finance stands out, in terms of design, for 2 specific reason: Complexity and exposure risk.
Client wanted us to reduce both, so that the user, a high net worth individual, can feel at home with the interface, and be confident enough to engage in self-serving their subscription and tracking needs.
Design would consider ease of use for maximum self sufficiency, Accessibility guidelines for overseas markets, & incorporating the latest and best market practices so as to act as one platform for all needs, as well as being future secure.

Approach Identification

Research tools like net-ethnography, User prompting, joint brainstorming market study and competitor evaluation were employed to research the most popular investment portals in the world, learn from their best practices and suggest the information architecture for a new investment portal that combines the best practices of all of them and features upcoming trends.

The Solution

The investor portal was designed with a multi centric view to cater to the specific and customised requirements for different user needs. Features like portfolio tracking, smart suggestions, investment research, transaction records, alerts, education and assistance were specifically designed in, so as to maximise customer usability.

An animation showing investor portal screens
a desktop showing investor portal dashboard
an animation showing Investor portal screens