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Learning Management System

“A comprehensive learning platform that Suggests, Tracks and Assesses..”

The Client approached us to design and develop a Learning Management Platform, where they could provide their employees a self-paced, personalized learning experience, enabling skill development and efficient planning that could pave the way for visible career growth.


Secondary Research

Primary research

UX design

Visual Design

Development and Testing


A Major Global IT Manufacturer

a tablet on table displaying the  landing page of the Learning Management system

Project details

The client partnered with us to design and develop a user-friendly Learning Management Platform. The goal was to empower their global workforce with a personalized learning experience that fostered skill development and career growth. The key challenge being to create a platform that catered to diverse learning styles and goals, the employees needed flexibility to choose courses, learn at their own pace, and track progress. Managers, on the other hand, required insights into employee skill development to optimize talent allocation.

Approach Identification

To design a user-centric platform, we conducted extensive user research. This involved interviews, surveys, and usability testing with employees and managers across various departments and identified key requirements as Intuitive Interface. Personalised learning recommendations and feedback. A user management feature, including bulk user import, role assignment, and content upload, to simplify administrative tasks.

The Solution

We created a seamless learning experience with an intelligent recommendation engine suggesting courses aligned with an employee’s skills, interests, and career aspirations. Employees have complete control over their learning journey, choosing courses and learning at their own pace. Clear and comprehensive progress tracking, including completed modules, pending tasks, and upcoming deadlines, with personalized notifications to remind learners of their next actions. Intuitive user interface for managers to view and manage their team’s learning progress, assign courses, and monitor performance.

A Motion Graphic of Learning management system showing the user chatting with Tia, the chat assistant
A Motion Graphic displaying the process of course management and uploading in the learning management system
A Motion Graphic displaying the dashboard depicting user performance and progress